My Syngenta
  1. Syngenta Internal Homepage
  2. Internal Portal
  3. Local news and resources
Share Cloud
  1. IRTE shared calenders
  2. File sharing
  3. Collaboration tools
  1. Human Resource Managment
  2. leave requests, Dashboard
  3. Syngenta Global Address Book
  1. Syngenta Learning HUB
  2. Syngenta Learning Edge
  3. Synegnta Online courses
  1. logo Book
  2. Product design guidelines
  3. video and photo template for print
  1. Marketing upload center
  2. Design , caralouges
  3. Upload center
Mimecast Portal
  1. Access your email via web
  2. Manage your email profile
  3. Change your cloud email password
E-visa Portal
  1. Iran entry application form
  2. connected to ministry of forign affairs
  3. submit your application to get Iran E-visa
Vegetables DB
  1. Vegetables database
  2. only works in Syngenta network
  3. Access may needed to enter
  1. Veg team trials
  2. require VPN and SYN network
  1. Product Managment Database
  2. Require VPN and SYN network
  3. Accessible only by Veg team
On Demand sale
  1. Sales and orders
  2. require SYN network
Syngenta Iran
  1. Syngenta Website in persian
Social Media
  1. Social Media links
  2. Importers and distributers contact
  3. Gosam, Delta Pars , PTT,
  1. service-now
  2. Global ticketing
  3. HR tools
  1. Monitoring services
  2. Require SYN network
  1. monitoring local services
  2. Alarm and notification center
SKY pmin
  1. Sky pmin tool
  2. Require SYn network
  1. Artwork platform
  2. Digital Library
  3. Templates
  1. Bio home
  2. CP tools
  3. require VPN and SYN network
Apps download
  1. usefull Apps download
Apps download
  1. usefull Apps download
Apps download
  1. usefull Apps download
Apps download
  1. usefull Apps download
Apps download
  1. usefull Apps download
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